Another nice walk this morning and for most of the time it was
comfortable with a cloudy cover. Just before we ended the sun shone
brightly and the temps rose. Sixteen people walked River Rise Farm in
Turner on the Androscoggin River. There was at least one Cliff Swallow
nest on the house, once there had been many. We did find an Eastern
Kingbird feeding a nestling. While most birds were sparse there were
many butterflies. Plus a snake catching a frog … we see everything on
these walks! Amazingly we ended up with 47 bird species, but not
everyone saw every bird.

Rather than attaching photos, here is a link to the Eastern Kingbird
nest and five butterfly photos from Dana Little. If you click on the
Kingbird you will also see a text description, then click the > for the
next image with text description.

We thank Bonnie Lounsbury for allowing us on the property. Everyone had
a wonderful time.

Here is a list of butterflies reported by Jack Collins:
Canadian Tiger Swallowtails
Pearl (Northern) Crescents
Northern Pearly-eyes
Great Spangled Fritillarys
Silver-spotted Skipper
Other skippers
The Crescents are a segregate not a different species.

And the bird list:
Canada Goose     45
Wood Duck     3
Mallard     2
Wild Turkey     1
Mourning Dove     6
Ruby-throated Hummingbird     2
Common Loon     2
Great Blue Heron     2
Turkey Vulture     1
Bald Eagle     2
Downy Woodpecker     1
Eastern Wood-Pewee     1
Eastern Phoebe     2
Great Crested Flycatcher     1
Eastern Kingbird     4
Red-eyed Vireo     6
American Crow     5
Black-capped Chickadee     5
Tufted Titmouse     1
Barn Swallow     2
Cliff Swallow     3
White-breasted Nuthatch     4
European Starling     15
Gray Catbird     4
Veery     2
Wood Thrush     1
American Robin     3
Cedar Waxwing     7
House Sparrow     25
American Goldfinch     6
Chipping Sparrow     3
Song Sparrow     13
Bobolink     2
Baltimore Oriole     1
Red-winged Blackbird     6
Brown-headed Cowbird     2
Common Grackle     5
Ovenbird     2
Common Yellowthroat     5
American Redstart     3
Yellow Warbler     5
Chestnut-sided Warbler     7
Pine Warbler     1
Scarlet Tanager     1
Northern Cardinal     2
Rose-breasted Grosbeak     1
Indigo Bunting     3

Stan DeOrsey