
Evergreen Cemetery/Capisic Pond Park

Trip results from the Evergreen Cemetery/Capisic Park trip, May 14 It was a more perfect day than you could ask for; the sun was shining, and the birds were singing. The only down side was that more people didn’t join Read More…

Bates Birdwalk III

Results of the Bates-to-Riverside Cemetery Birdwalk III, Tuesday May 10, 2016, 6:00 – 8:00 AM. 41 degrees, sunny, slight wind. Observers: Bob Kleckner, Dana Little, Judy Marden (leader & recorder), Susie Marston, Christine Murray, Michael Reidy, Steve Reed (leader), Una Read More…

Two Birdwalks the Weekend

This weekend will probably be the best weekend for birding this spring, with warblers and other migrants arriving every day! We have two trips this weekend to take advantage of the bounty: Saturday we are heading to Evergreen Cemetery in Read More…

Papermill Trail – Lisbon, May 11

What a perfect day to start the year’s walks. Nine people came to the Papermill Trail in Lisbon. As soon as we stepped from the car, Carol Jack spotted a Bald Eagle. Then as we stepped onto the trail we Read More…

Bates Birdwalk II

Results of the second Bates-to-Riverside Cemetery Birdwalk, Tuesday May 3, 2016, 6:00 – 8:15AM, 40 degrees, cloudy, calm. Observers: Doug Boyd (leader), Bob Kleckner, Judy Marden (leader & recorder), Susie Marston, Christine Murray, Una Tuck Species seen and/or heard: Canada Read More…

Bates Birdwalk I

Results of the first Bates-to-Riverside Cemetery Birdwalk of the season, Tuesday April 26, 2016, 6:00AM – 8:00AM, 36 degrees F, overcast, calm.  Snow didn’t begin until we reached the crest of Mountain Avenue, on the way back!  Then, just a Read More…

Spring Migrant Fall out

Have you ever witnessed a spring migrant Fall out?    This occurs when migrants all “take a break” at  the same time.  Check out this article for more information.

California Condor Bird Cam

Here is a link to a web cam on a California Condor nest site. This is worth bookmarking.  

Riverwalk – Beginning Birders

Eleven people turned out for Saturday’s walk for beginning birders (some of them were actually beginners). The sun was shining, but it was a little cold with a nagging wind. But the birds made it worthwhile, and the company made Read More…

April Meeting, Monday Night: Bumble Bees

Beth Swartz, a Wildlife Biologist in the Research and Assessment Section of the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife, will be sharing about the Maine Bumble Bee Atlas (MBBA) project, which she is responsible for coordinating. Beth has worked Read More…