Category: News

Annual Dinner Meeting

Join us for the annual dinner meeting, Monday, October 7 at the Green Ladle – Lewiston Regional Technical Center. Our speaker will be Michael Good, founder of the Acadia Birding Festival, speaking on “Birding in Cuba” Get all the info Read More…

Rangeley Birding Festival: June 7-9

Join us June 7th – 9th for the inaugural Rangeley Birding Festival to experience the rich bird life that flourishes at the intersection of northern forest, stunning, clear lakes and the High Peaks of western Maine. The Rangeley Lakes region Read More…

2019 Nature Week Sign-Up

“Are you looking for a fun place for your child to spend a week this summer learning about nature? Then join us for a Thorncrag Nature Week”. DOWNLOAD A REGISTRATION FORM HERE  

March Meeting Cancelled

Due to today’s storm, the USMLAC campus is closed, so tonight’s SBC meeting has been cancelled.

Dan Marquis Speaking at March Meeting

Due to a last minute cancellation by our planned March speaker, Dan Marquis will be filling in with a great talk and slideshow about bird and nature photography. Here is his bio. “My interest in photography was sparked by my Read More…

L/A Lakes and Rivers

This was a nice day, although the birds were few; mild temps, off-and-on sun, and no wind. This was our annual pre-ice survey of the local waters, but unfortunately Sabattus pond was totally frozen over. Consequently all of our sightings Read More…

Wildflower Festival & Plant Sale

Wildflower Festival JUNE 3rd 1:00pm – 4:00pm THORNCRAG NATURE SANCTUARY Music with Greg and Jessie Boardman 1:00 -2:00 Wildflower Walk with Rick Speer and Sharon Gallant 1:00 – 2:30 Plant Sale/Children and Family Activities

Join the Maine Breeding Bird Atlas

Greetings, The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife is pleased to announce that the Maine Breeding Bird Atlas has launched! Over the next 5 years, we hope that you will contribute your eBird observations to the Atlas effort in Read More…

Riverwalk, Lewiston & Auburn

It was a mostly sunny day, but the wind made it feel much colder that it actually was. But five birders took advantage of the day. Although there were not as many birds as we would have liked, we had Read More…